What if women ruled the World?

4 minute read

It has been a long due thought experiment for me to analyze what Our world would look like if ‘Women rule the world?’, especially when Covid strategy of New Zealand appeared to be most successful which is govern by prime minister Jacinda Ardern - a female prime minister, not that I’m robbing credit of others who were involved in effective policy implementation, but this has intrigued me to fondle this question in deeper manner.

A proposition worth considering!

It is a fascinating thought experiment to consider what the world would be like if women were in charge. While it is impossible to know for certain what the outcome would be, there are some potential advantages and disadvantages that could arise from such a scenario.

One potential advantage of a world ruled by women is that it could lead to a more cooperative and empathetic society. Studies have shown that women tend to have better communication and social skills than men, and are more likely to prioritize the well-being of others over their own individual interests. This could lead to more peaceful and harmonious relationships between individuals, communities, and nations.

Patriarchal and Matriarchal societies in Animals.

Physical similarity of Chimpanzees and Bonobo apes.

For example, the bonobo monkeys provide a good analogy for what a society ruled by women might look like. Unlike their aggressive and hierarchical cousins, the chimpanzees, bonobos are known for their peaceful and cooperative behavior. They form strong bonds with one another and engage in activities such as communal childcare and group hunting. This has earned them the nickname of “hippie apes” because of their laid-back and nurturing lifestyle. Bonobo monkeys use sex to relieve tension in social group as a form of greeting and a way to celebrate.

In a world ruled by women, it is possible that similar values of cooperation and empathy would be promoted, leading to a more harmonious and egalitarian society. This could also result in a more balanced distribution of resources and opportunities, as women are often at a disadvantage when it comes to accessing education, healthcare, and other essential services.

Human Matriarchal Societies

One example of a human society that has embraced a more cooperative and empathetic approach is the Mosuo people of China. This matriarchal society is characterized by a strong emphasis on female leadership and the importance of relationships and community. Women hold the positions of power and make important decisions for the community, while men are responsible for more practical tasks such as farming and hunting. This has resulted in a peaceful and harmonious society, in which conflicts are resolved through mediation and dialogue rather than violence.

One potential advantage of a world ruled by women is that it could lead to a greater focus on environmental sustainability.

Women are often more attuned to the needs of the natural world, and are more likely to prioritize conservation and preservation over short-term profit and growth. This could lead to more sustainable and eco-friendly policies, as well as a greater awareness and appreciation of the natural world.

For example, the indigenous Aka people of Central Africa provide a good example of a society that has a deep connection to the environment. This matrilineal society is led by women, who are responsible for the management of natural resources such as forests and rivers. They have developed a sustainable way of life that is in harmony with the natural world, and have been able to maintain a rich biodiversity in their lands.

Potential Drawbacks

Potential drawbacks to a world ruled by women. One concern is that it could lead to a more paternalistic and controlling society, in which women seek to protect and regulate the behavior of others in order to maintain order and stability. This could result in a loss of individual freedom and autonomy, as well as a stifling of creativity and innovation.

Threat to Individual Freedom & Gender Stereotypes

One example of a society that has embraced a more controlling and paternalistic approach is the Hutterite communities of North America. These Anabaptist sects are led by women, who have the authority to make important decisions for the community and to regulate the behavior of its members. This has resulted in a highly structured and controlled society, in which individual freedom is heavily restricted and conformity is emphasized.

Another potential disadvantage of a world ruled by women is that it could lead to a reinforcement of gender stereotypes. In a society where women are the dominant gender, there may be pressure to conform to traditional feminine roles and expectations, such as being nurturing and submissive. This could limit the ability of women and men to explore their full range of talents and interests, and could also prevent men from participating fully in society.

Additionally, such gender stereotypes could lead to a lack of diversity and representation in leadership positions. If traditional feminine roles and expectations are prioritized, women who do not fit these norms may be marginalized and excluded from positions of power. This could result in a homogenous and narrow-minded leadership, lacking the diversity of perspectives and experiences necessary for effective decision-making.


Well it will really difficult to start a new World order or simulate such experiment but making society gender neutral can definitely give pros from the both matriarchal and patriarchal rules. Also I don’t support Radical feminism, it’s just an attempt to showcase what difference equal contribution will make on human society to propel us into the Future.

Abhinav Thorat

Research Scientist, AI Researcher and astrophile. Avid learner with diverse interest in coding, machine learning along with topics like psychology, anthropology, philosophy & astrophysics. 6+ years of experience working in multinational corporations.