Navigating Dissonance - Unraveling Complex Relationships in Norwegian Wood 3 minute read

Haruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood intricately weaves the tales of characters who grapple with love, loss, and self-discovery. Among them, two contrasting pairs, Nagasawa and Toru, Midori and Naoko, offer nuanced insights into the intricate dynamics of relationships.

Nagasawa, a charismatic and pragmatic figure, epitomizes a hedonistic yet a stoic pursuit of pleasure. His detachment and pursuit of fleeting connections stand in stark contrast to Toru’s introspective and contemplative nature. Nagasawa’s character reflects a hedonistic philosophy, prioritizing immediate gratification over emotional depth. In contrast, Toru seeks meaning and connection in the complexities of human relationships. This dichotomy serves as a lens through... read more

Beyond the Event Horizon - The Making of the Black Hole Image 8 minute read

April 10,2019 is a one of the most important date in the research field of astronomy and astrophysics and cosmology, the reason is humans for the first time captured an object which breaks all the rules and barriers of physics that we have understood till now, if it’s not obvious let me clarify, we’re talking about first image of Black Hole.

The first-ever image of a black hole captured the attention of the world in April 2019, and the black hole at the center of the Messier 87 galaxy was named “Powehi” in Hawaiian. “Powehi” means “the adorned fathomless dark creation”... read more

What if women ruled the World? 4 minute read

It has been a long due thought experiment for me to analyze what Our world would look like if ‘Women rule the world?’, especially when Covid strategy of New Zealand appeared to be most successful which is govern by prime minister Jacinda Ardern - a female prime minister, not that I’m robbing credit of others who were involved in effective policy implementation, but this has intrigued me to fondle this question in deeper manner.

A proposition worth considering!

It is a fascinating thought experiment to consider what the world would be like if women were in charge. While it is impossible... read more